Friday, October 21, 2011


Relationship is a feeling that you carry for a other person(or a thing).It is all about your own illusion, which may be true or false but right in your own way.You have a mapping of your own and have a desire for similar mapping.

I some how see a relation is always unidirectional...I don't mean that both ends cant have similar feelings but it is just another mapping but not the same .We tend to see the world around us with our vision(the way we like to see it) and relate our self to it.

There cant be any unhappy relationships...Both good and bad relation ship is giving you all the pleasure you want.You love someone because you love that feeling and when you hate some one you are still deriving the pleasure in that relationship, abusing him in your own thoughts.

These relationships at times become complicated when you imagine a same mapping from the other end and take things for granted.
Feeling bad about failing to get the other mapping is insulting your own feelings......I repeat, relation can always be one are in a relationship because you are drawing happiness out of it.With a incident or a two if they are taking a u-turn you are certainly insulting your own feelings.

Respect that fact that every one have their own perception of relationship and it can be very different from that of yours.If your feelings are changing for environmental reasons it reflects your selfish attitude.

Every relation you had/have will be a sweet memory in future..
Life is a wonderful journey with beautiful relations....

Monday, May 9, 2011

Life will teach you the way to go.......

Every day you go out, you see new people and get to face the new challenges and your aquire knowledge over a period and you grow.Never expect Nirvana, its just a word in dictnory and you will never get to see that.If a day comes where Nirvana is turned true belive me people then wouldn't understand it.You need bad to Understand good.

There isnt a compulsion that you must always be a good boy.After all we are human and negative thoughts chase us ,we try to resist them and pose as a good boy.These feelings wouldnt die down as you resist they are just suppresed day this would turn into furstation and explode which is even more dangerous.Be a bad boy for a day ,expirence it and when you understand there is no fun in being so you would transform into a better Human.
Life will teach you the way to go........

From Birth to Death life gives you many lesson it is on you to understand them.Just gathering knowledge isnt of any use if not put to use on the right time...Its like making a paper bout and planing to cross a Atlantic ocean.....Life isnt fare;If you dont play it right, you will get hit.
LIfe is the best teacher.It teaches you every thing under the sun if your dare enough to absorb and digest them.We grow strong with every challenge we take up.

The two main reasons for all the misery in you is not being yourself under pressure and seeking perfection from your perspective.....

As you move on and grow old you will have many experience and memories.Some are sweet and some are sore.Sweet one are cherished long jus because you had even the sore ones in middle ,else they would have lost their importance.Never regret your mistake take them as an experience and keep moving.When you want to quickly retospect your life,take a look at the past through rose-tinted glasses, your lips will make a arc and your eyes will smile.

Life will go the way you take it....You want to be Happy life will give you thounsand reasons why you can end your day with fear , even a small insect will fear you to wanna hate,world is so imperfect that you can hate everything around you......wanna spread Love, you will come across million frames where love blooms

Life is all about living Happy......